haven't seen anything from you in awhile, glad to see you're still up to a little animating. Good plot, better animating. Pure gold!
haven't seen anything from you in awhile, glad to see you're still up to a little animating. Good plot, better animating. Pure gold!
A masterpiece
The quality of animation doesn't matter, this was hilarious!
Never before has a flash earned more 5
Seriously the greatest thing any of us locks ever managed to produce. Not by a little, but by a motherfucking mile! Seriously incredible. The art, animation, story, and voices were all compelling.
It was hardly like a lock flash at all in a sense that it wasn't about gay porn and poop jokes. Way to reset the bar of greatness. This deserves Daily first and the weekly feature as far as I'm concerned.
Walnut ;)
This isn't a flash
Not by a long shot. If this passes. I quit.
You won't be missed...
I think
Magnificent piece of artwork Jack!
This is made of gold with similar effects to viagra!
Joined on 7/11/09